Mistress of Animals

Karen Myers

Book 2 of The Chained Adept

An errant child with disastrous powers and no one to stand in her way.

Penrys, the wizard with a chain and an unknown past, is drafted to find out what has happened to an entire clan of the nomadic Zannib. Nothing but their empty tents remain, abandoned on the autumn steppe with their herds.

This wasn’t a detour she’d planned on making, but there’s little choice. Winter is coming, and hundreds are missing.

The locals don’t trust her, but that’s nothing new. The question is, can she trust herself, when she discovers what her life might have been? Assuming, of course, that the price of so many dead was worth paying for it.

Read the first chapter

The Chained Adept

Publication date: April 2, 2016. 344 pages.
Click here for a list of ISBNs.

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The World of The Chained Adept

(Click for larger images)

The World as a Steppe Hound

The World as a steppe hound

Kigali and its neighbors

Kigali and its neighbors

The action in Zannib for Mistress of Animals

The Southern Continent

Important locations in the Southern Continent

Ellech, in the North

Ellech, in the North